So I always held this nigga down.
From the jump, passin blunts
takin bussses to the mall.
Afterschool in the halls, was his right hand never knew what the left held
still I was there. Through thick and thin
watched his back looked out for shady cats.
Helping him build and improve on his knowledge.
Playful fights & arguments, made him go back to college.
Closed my eyes when he cheated.
Didn't care cause if you knew the way he beat it. SSSSss Better than Micheal.
YeaUp! He beat it better than micheal!
So Like I said I held him down.
I gave my loving. Made my living. saved for giving. spent on his chillins.
I walked along side him and was the best woman he could have had. And still I wasn't enough.......
Took A looong time before I realized that "I" was just fine.....
The minute I loved me. Truly and Really & Understood That GOD loved me...... the mistake of another being not understanding that love and therby not reciprocating it; NO longer mattered.
My favorite song has been "be happy" by MARY J BLIGE..... I can love. Because I can let go.
I know, I knw, Im gorgeous. Lbs!..but your not lookin on the inside...
Monday, August 24, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
It's funny how these "gangstas" holl@ "THUG LIFE"
Ready to be a coward and pull a trigger.
Quick to pounce on a lady but thinks twice about hittin a dude.
Too broke to even provide...
Clothes and food
For his family he does not take care of.
Runnin round ignorant and shit
Failin to realize he is but dust and will return to such!
Actin like they don't give a fuck.
But hang a 25-life bid over his head
and his fierceness and clout is dead!
No respect and No remorse.
No concepts of a man.
A real man.
A man's man.
A GOD fearing momma respectin man.
Unwittingly destroying society.
Not standing up and backing up what's rightly his!
Breaking down the family.
Lost of all sincerity.\
Hate filled words and actions.
No responsibility.
Reckless and contrite.
I don't know what's wrong with The.
No masculinity, just cowardly movements
knowing inwardly of the madness around him.
Aware of the damage surrounding,
helping to keep the lineage of fatherless homes,
beat down mom's.
Let the devil get to him,
While his lil man is now an ex-con.
When will he retaliate?
When will they change this fate?
Get back to which they were made...
Bring back the stability of modern day.
Praise Allah and come away from the ways of man.
Love thy hard and establish integrity.
Do not judge with severity.
Consequences are unspoken,
but the repercussions are major!
Acknowledgement is minor.
Ignorance is great.
Always tempting their fate.
Makes all kinds of unworthy mistakes.
Why don't you stop and contemplate?
Try to relate and wake UP to the problems!
Step up and create a new place.
A new time....
Where respect is redefined!
Resolutions on the incline.
Violence on the decline.
Morals and values Re-established.
Family relinquished!
Life Re-evaluated
Honor and trust Reinstated.
Ego's Deflated!
Pride proportioned! ( LMMFAO!)
Dreams of drop tops faded...
Replaced with college funds.
Traditional ideas re bread.
Learning is now FUN!
Building is now COOL!
Tearing down is UNCOUTH!
regrouping and getting togetherness is the move!
Taking each one to teach one..
paying it forward
not expecting no rewards.
Giving to be giving.
No Santa or valentines needed.
Loving because of loving.
Showing! Not saying, For rip,
One trips, four more bends back to catch him before he slips.
Let us empower each other.
Let us take care of Our MOTHERS, our WOMEN, our CHILDREN, our FUTURE, our BROTHERS, Our FATHERS, FOR OUR FATHER GAVE US HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON..for he so loved the world.
Let us love ourselves in order to have everlasting LIFE!
Ready to be a coward and pull a trigger.
Quick to pounce on a lady but thinks twice about hittin a dude.
Too broke to even provide...
Clothes and food
For his family he does not take care of.
Runnin round ignorant and shit
Failin to realize he is but dust and will return to such!
Actin like they don't give a fuck.
But hang a 25-life bid over his head
and his fierceness and clout is dead!
No respect and No remorse.
No concepts of a man.
A real man.
A man's man.
A GOD fearing momma respectin man.
Unwittingly destroying society.
Not standing up and backing up what's rightly his!
Breaking down the family.
Lost of all sincerity.\
Hate filled words and actions.
No responsibility.
Reckless and contrite.
I don't know what's wrong with The.
No masculinity, just cowardly movements
knowing inwardly of the madness around him.
Aware of the damage surrounding,
helping to keep the lineage of fatherless homes,
beat down mom's.
Let the devil get to him,
While his lil man is now an ex-con.
When will he retaliate?
When will they change this fate?
Get back to which they were made...
Bring back the stability of modern day.
Praise Allah and come away from the ways of man.
Love thy hard and establish integrity.
Do not judge with severity.
Consequences are unspoken,
but the repercussions are major!
Acknowledgement is minor.
Ignorance is great.
Always tempting their fate.
Makes all kinds of unworthy mistakes.
Why don't you stop and contemplate?
Try to relate and wake UP to the problems!
Step up and create a new place.
A new time....
Where respect is redefined!
Resolutions on the incline.
Violence on the decline.
Morals and values Re-established.
Family relinquished!
Life Re-evaluated
Honor and trust Reinstated.
Ego's Deflated!
Pride proportioned! ( LMMFAO!)
Dreams of drop tops faded...
Replaced with college funds.
Traditional ideas re bread.
Learning is now FUN!
Building is now COOL!
Tearing down is UNCOUTH!
regrouping and getting togetherness is the move!
Taking each one to teach one..
paying it forward
not expecting no rewards.
Giving to be giving.
No Santa or valentines needed.
Loving because of loving.
Showing! Not saying, For rip,
One trips, four more bends back to catch him before he slips.
Let us empower each other.
Let us take care of Our MOTHERS, our WOMEN, our CHILDREN, our FUTURE, our BROTHERS, Our FATHERS, FOR OUR FATHER GAVE US HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON..for he so loved the world.
Let us love ourselves in order to have everlasting LIFE!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
A tall and lovely drink
A fine man with fine qualities,
Smells so goooood.
With a taste that nurtures your pallets.
Feeds your soul.
Now those strong arms,
wraps you, engulfs you, feels waaaay better than gold!
With just a simple kiss using those soft and sensuous lips,
sends you soaring, spiraling into oblivion.
With the same lips, words are swift, deep,
Converses as if used to speaking to minions or even kings.
Now ladies...
What if you were his queen?
Imagine...Wine and dine
Hittin it from behind.
Travel to Mexico.
Learn the language of love.
Dame Papi tu cuerpo, tu corazon, Quiero darte mi mente,
Solamente ti.
Imagine he makes you feel like a waterfall, makes you tingle
A man that makes you bubble.One that make you want more.
More from him, from you, from life.
One that makes you think,
None compares o that tall and lovely drink....
Thursday, April 23, 2009
*CrAy- Z*
Crazy are the thoughts that dart through my mind?
Crazy are the words that escape my mouth?
Crazy are the actions that make my world?
Crazy am I?
Convinced she is.
For sure they are.
But who are they?
Are they the ones to say?
Are they the ones that see..
And all is blind to me.
Just me?
For I do not see.
Unbeknownst to me.
That Crazy I will be.
That I will never reach past the trees.
That I will never be happy?
Crazy is the word he chooses.
So crazy is What I will prove him!
Going outside the box in a wayward direction.
Refusing to conform to the norm.
Crazy is now my satisfaction.
Crazy now becomes my passion!
All the worlds a stage.
So take note audience.
Crazy will be my REdempTion!
Far from seeking attention!
because you see..
My DESTINY is what I pursue.
My SAnctifiCatioN is what will ensue!
For refusing to take the abuse Crazy is the word that YOU use.
Undeniably crazy will no longer Define me.
Crazy are the words that escape my mouth?
Crazy are the actions that make my world?
Crazy am I?
Convinced she is.
For sure they are.
But who are they?
Are they the ones to say?
Are they the ones that see..
And all is blind to me.
Just me?
For I do not see.
Unbeknownst to me.
That Crazy I will be.
That I will never reach past the trees.
That I will never be happy?
Crazy is the word he chooses.
So crazy is What I will prove him!
Going outside the box in a wayward direction.
Refusing to conform to the norm.
Crazy is now my satisfaction.
Crazy now becomes my passion!
All the worlds a stage.
So take note audience.
Crazy will be my REdempTion!
Far from seeking attention!
because you see..
My DESTINY is what I pursue.
My SAnctifiCatioN is what will ensue!
For refusing to take the abuse Crazy is the word that YOU use.
Undeniably crazy will no longer Define me.
A wonder isn't it?
How we fuck then you split.
Right before you whisper baby your it!
Baby this the shit!
When I called three in the morning talking bout some head..
Rush right over, to lay in my bed.
But when I call with my troubles...
It's; Nah I ain't got no bread.
Tell me I'm beautiful.
Say how I make you whole.
How come when I wake in the morning, I still ache
& feel that empty hole?
What is it about me or maybe about YOU that got me going?
That got me going,
That has me flipping,
has me doubting what I'm knowing.
What twist of reality
or is it the destination of faith
That has me going through this upheaval of thoughts, actions, words, visions
all becoming a blur,
not quite pondered on, but fast enough, delirious enough
chaotic enough to know somethings WroNG!
Somethings GoNe.
Indescribable feelings, can't take it back!
Finished, finito,fini, like a trini that shiit (gwan)
Now do I start over?
Pick up the pieces and let another smother?
Let another in..
Let em take his share, all the while thinking shit ain't fair.
This aIn't RighT!
But I gotta keep the fight..
so torn from the plight..
So I keep GOING!
Keep Moving!
Keep Grooving..
Wonder isn't it?
How we fuck then you split!
How we fuck then you split.
Right before you whisper baby your it!
Baby this the shit!
When I called three in the morning talking bout some head..
Rush right over, to lay in my bed.
But when I call with my troubles...
It's; Nah I ain't got no bread.
Tell me I'm beautiful.
Say how I make you whole.
How come when I wake in the morning, I still ache
& feel that empty hole?
What is it about me or maybe about YOU that got me going?
That got me going,
That has me flipping,
has me doubting what I'm knowing.
What twist of reality
or is it the destination of faith
That has me going through this upheaval of thoughts, actions, words, visions
all becoming a blur,
not quite pondered on, but fast enough, delirious enough
chaotic enough to know somethings WroNG!
Somethings GoNe.
Indescribable feelings, can't take it back!
Finished, finito,fini, like a trini that shiit (gwan)
Now do I start over?
Pick up the pieces and let another smother?
Let another in..
Let em take his share, all the while thinking shit ain't fair.
This aIn't RighT!
But I gotta keep the fight..
so torn from the plight..
So I keep GOING!
Keep Moving!
Keep Grooving..
Wonder isn't it?
How we fuck then you split!
No words...
He Meticulously and irrationally searched and kissed every crevice
Licked every nook and Candy
Caressed each line, each curve
Coercerd the pert and ripe peanut m$m sized niblets of chocolate to: STAND
And STAND did her hairs,
And race did her electricity.
Excitement surged through every vessel of sensation.
Rapid spurts of breath, colors bright, dark hues,
As he kneaded and massaged, tickled and teased
He hummed while he pleased.
Mango Melange he saturated throughout her petite frame
Love spots drenched he plunged deep.
He devoured her hotbox with a knowing skillful force,
He alternated thumb and tongue, tongue and thumb
Her feminism pulsating a rhythmic beat while she gets lost within the torrents of exuberance creeping from her walls
unleashing her heat she gyrated in tune to his melodic lashing.
She writhed in an uncontrollable dance, hissing incoherent garble.
This incensed him and he dove deeper with undying hunger he lapped up her love,
Savored her sweet smell, lunched on her erect clit, tenderly and gingerly sucked and nibbled……………
She moaned,
He moaned,
She moaned, he groaned,
Animalistic movements as she grabs for his for for for for anything oh dear!
Her legs interlocked,
There was no escaping her lonlegged figure four
He gladly accepted the challenge and began a synchronized pattern from front to back tongue darting in and out, diagonally, 808 circles, up and down
She began to tremble and shiver.
She could not recall,
She could not, she could not,
Thinking was a capacity that had been shut down.
Her mind played possum.
Her body pleaded and begged
He continued feasting on her pearls,
On her liquids of joy..
He enjoyed himself as she enjoyed him.
Together there was
Sweet, sticky, aromatic, extatic, vibrant, glorious, climatic, euphoric, satisfying, appetizing, wonderful, delightful, paralyzing, uplifting, anxious, Dang!
Licked every nook and Candy
Caressed each line, each curve
Coercerd the pert and ripe peanut m$m sized niblets of chocolate to: STAND
And STAND did her hairs,
And race did her electricity.
Excitement surged through every vessel of sensation.
Rapid spurts of breath, colors bright, dark hues,
As he kneaded and massaged, tickled and teased
He hummed while he pleased.
Mango Melange he saturated throughout her petite frame
Love spots drenched he plunged deep.
He devoured her hotbox with a knowing skillful force,
He alternated thumb and tongue, tongue and thumb
Her feminism pulsating a rhythmic beat while she gets lost within the torrents of exuberance creeping from her walls
unleashing her heat she gyrated in tune to his melodic lashing.
She writhed in an uncontrollable dance, hissing incoherent garble.
This incensed him and he dove deeper with undying hunger he lapped up her love,
Savored her sweet smell, lunched on her erect clit, tenderly and gingerly sucked and nibbled……………
She moaned,
He moaned,
She moaned, he groaned,
Animalistic movements as she grabs for his for for for for anything oh dear!
Her legs interlocked,
There was no escaping her lonlegged figure four
He gladly accepted the challenge and began a synchronized pattern from front to back tongue darting in and out, diagonally, 808 circles, up and down
She began to tremble and shiver.
She could not recall,
She could not, she could not,
Thinking was a capacity that had been shut down.
Her mind played possum.
Her body pleaded and begged
He continued feasting on her pearls,
On her liquids of joy..
He enjoyed himself as she enjoyed him.
Together there was
Sweet, sticky, aromatic, extatic, vibrant, glorious, climatic, euphoric, satisfying, appetizing, wonderful, delightful, paralyzing, uplifting, anxious, Dang!
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