
I know, I knw, Im gorgeous. Lbs!..but your not lookin on the inside...

Monday, December 25, 2017

WhyI write

Poetry brings about a unanimous feeling of understanding of inner and overstanding.... a subtle acceptance of perfect self expression through sound..realeyezing of the most high coming forth within a ethereal emergence of greatness exploding an expanding, manifesting vivid real-time paintings with mere words. Word. Vibrations that ring out from such a dense frequency  we call matter. Man. Black Matter. Vibing high the voices echoes throughout the galaxies... mimicking the miraculousness that is life. This is why I write.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Caribbean Djembe

From the very beginning at the bass of that beat to the thump of the drum... Rythm an dance has always been a part of our culture.. 
From the cobra-like  movements to the silky sway.. 
The Love in our veins spreads across a looong way. 
Different languages, spices and garments.. 
Yet our bodies all writhe in sync when that music comes on.. 
From salsa to soca. Compas to dancehall our appearances differ yet our hearts beat as one. 
Separated by waters and land.. 
Not knowing the division is surface.. Underneath our Carib, Arawak an Taino blood binds us deeper than the oceans that divides our islands. 
From the Motherland settling in Every Other Land we thrive.  
We continue to unite through our melodic artwork. 
Transcending, codes an colors our frequencies mesh and the highest of highs can be felt as the lowest of lows is overthrown, drowning in the infinite sounds of joy manifesting through our instruments, our culture ... our quilt of variance will never fade.
Through our voices, our music, our dance our spirits live on.
Word is the bond of our songs.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

that EYE

It was so good that I, that I, that I, could not, my mind began to warp and making sentences became a task..
I got so so. So that I that I. 
He made me moan.
Om.... I chanted and saang, hummed n struggled to remember verbs.
My mind.. I became aware that my mind..
I was swirling in his torrents of..of..his expertise in his back and forthness. His excitable manipulation.
I wasn't what I had said or done..
Seeing That I, that I Had gotten Stuck in the exuberance of that egoic fire I ceased..
What I had known of I diminished and..
Eye real eyes that I that Eye was not..
I was not what Eye was watching..
That through his persistence of igniting me aflame loving me murderously til I was raw..
Still in the unclear muddy waters.. That I was.. I Persevered. I survived him.
Eye felt, Eye saw, Eye was, and Eye am greatfull for him.
His relentless dance finished my thoughts of questions an doused me in a fluid knowing an devoured me.
Quenching his desires while I became nothing.
All the while relishing his pleasurable pain as I became..
The eye that I was supposed to have known..
His love made it so that I.... That I was born into remembrance of myself.
That That Eye was all I needed.
That Eye Was enough, that his love was my love n that Eye already was love.
Eye am love...
Eye am that I am.
Being Life Experience..,that Eye is a poem based on how relationships can force us to open our eyes to our true selves...painfull or pleasurable as it may be perceived.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

"Already Home"

I never actually thought I could...Never even thought I would. The Thoth was always there. All ways there..Nagging, suffocating even..Languishing. Yet I've done it though.
I've made my way back home. Through the murkiness of life, falling deep into dense vibrations..
I re-evolved and I dive heart first into the primordial waves and surrender my soul in great servitude to the most high. Candidly I begin to lounge in the stillness of it all as it hums along. Repeating and maintaining an appreciative admiration for what it is, what was and always will be.
 BEing that in which Eye AM.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Beauty is word

Some people try to change their so called selves with plastic surgery.
Sooo unhappy with their person they play with the temple they were given.
Most attempting to assume a presumed “better/”Eurocentric look.
Nationality surgery.
Inserting illusioned beliefs of a superiority system into their corps.
Flesh altering. Following the spells of the holy wood.
These persons, by definition. Through sound, take on a backwards approach and ungratefully rearrange the natural uniqueness that is them.
Uniforming.  Throwing in the cards they were dealt folding and falling in line.
A downward spiral. Follow.
Person. By definition through sound.
If these beings would follow the LAW, Land and Water… the inside out tactic. Natural elements would take shape.
They would appreciate their very own template.
Person through sound. If me. We. I eye can change my sounds i.e.
My words who are formed by my thoughts that which creates my present. Raising my vibrations..
I know yall gon be differential about it.
“Chi, Melanin content, Kundalini, Vital life force, DNA strands, consciousness, awareness thus thinking better, feeling better, eating better, acting better in turn manifesting a new presence.
A new persona emerges tuning in to the high frequency of a redefined beauty.
Seen through my, our eyes.
 Self Love, A projection and reflection of a new me.
 A true you.
I can.
They can too.
Beholding beauty, becoming beauty.